Ratchet straps are made up in house along with internal curtain straps and cam buckle straps, all to customer’s specification. Depending on quantity, stencilling can be added to the webbing and customers have a choice of webbing colour, length and fittings. Protective abrasion sleeves can be added to help reduce wear to the webbing and we also stock corner protectors.
Rope is supplied in many sizes from 6mm up to 24mm in a blue polypropylene finish and is used to tie almost anything down. White polypropylene rope is also available in some sizes and 24mm sisal rope is generally held in stock.
Elastic shock cord is sold either on a 100m reel or cut off by the metre with the majority 8mm diameter but 10mm also available. We also stock elastic ball loops and can supply other type of elastic loops and toggles to order.
Lifting slings are available on request with all necessary certification.